Relationship Disclosure and Conflict Resolution Policy

A. Introduction

As a non-profit organization, public trust in the integrity and independence of Cause Fund decision-making processes as well as Cause Funds’ adherence to high standards for the conduct of its charitable activities is essential. It is also acknowledged and desired that volunteers, employees and others working on behalf of Cause Fund have myriad relationships, interests, and memberships that support and benefit the mission of Cause Fund, Inc. However there are times when these multiple relationships may give rise to or give the appearance of an actual or potential conflict of interest. To protect both Cause Fund or Cause Fund Representative, this Policy requires disclosure of relationships by Cause Fund Representatives and resolution of any conflicts by Cause Fund to ensure that actions taken are in the best interest of Cause Fund. This protects Cause Fund and Cause Fund Representatives’ decision-making from the appearance of bias or improper influence by individual personal or business interests, family or close associates in Cause Fund.

B. Cause Fund Representatives

Representatives include, but are not limited to: Cause Fund’s volunteer Board of Directors, Officers, committee members, council members, key employees, certain contracted parties or agents, and other designated individuals in decision-making roles.

C. Principles

Disclosure: Cause Fund Representatives are to fully disclose financial and non-financial relationships, including their employment, ownership interests, memberships, arrangements, investments and holdings, including those held by family members, as required on the Cause Fund Relationship Disclosure Questionnaire.

  1. Reporting is to occur before appointment or election and annually thereafter.
  2. An Cause Fund Representative is expected to update his or her Disclosure Questionnaire also whenever any material change occurs in his or her relationships.
  3. In the course of Cause Fund meetings or activities, the Cause Fund Representative is to disclose any direct or indirect interests in a transaction or decision that potentially could be a conflict of interest

Evaluation: Reporting these personal and other business relationships generally does not prevent an individual from working with or volunteering for the Cause Fund.  Cause Fund will evaluate non-financial and financial relationships for actual or perceived conflicts based on the nature of Cause Fund Representative’s position(s) and scope of decision making authority, the substantiality of the relationships, the pervasiveness of the conflict and whether additional measures are needed to protect the integrity and reputation of the Cause Fund Representative and Cause Fund.

Resolution: Conflicts may be resolved by having Cause Fund Representative refrain from deliberating and/or voting on the particular transaction or matter in which he or she has an interest; and otherwise refrain from exerting any influence on Cause Fund to affect a decision. However, other measures may be required by Cause Fund depending on the nature of and the ability to reasonably manage the conflict. Resolution will be based on the facts and circumstances of each individual situation, but may in some cases require action up to and including the withdrawal of the individual from the conflicting relationship or from the Cause Fund position.

D. Requirements for Certain Positions

Because of the diversity of Cause Fund’s activities and operations, different volunteer and staff positions in Cause Fund require specific and distinct procedures for addressing conflicts of interest  All procedures must be consistent with applicable law, this Policy and approved by the Conflict of Interest Review Committee (COIRC) or the Audit Committee, as applicable.

E. Confidentiality

When a volunteer is a director, committee member, or other active participant in another organization, the volunteer will not disclose or use confidential or proprietary information of Cause Fund or otherwise make disclosures that could be injurious or disadvantageous to Cause Fund, Inc.

Last updated July 1, 2017