This is Day 14 of the Cause Day program. We are learning about Mental Health. Click on the different subjects and complete the activities and lessons.

Click on the different subjects and complete the activities and lessons.
  • If you want to support charities focused on Mental Health and the people affected by this, make sure to wear the color Green on Cause Day™!
  • If you want to raise money for a charity that helps people with Mental Health Issues click on the hand below to get connected with our online platform and put in the name of your school to get started!

  • Mental Health
    Color for this Cause: Green
    Mental Health Charities
    If you choose to raise money for this cause, the funds you raise will be earmarked for the largest national Mental Health related charity. However, YOU can choose a different charity for Mental Health if you wish. Write the name of that charity on the space provided on your online student page when you register. If you have questions, please check our "frequently asked questions" section on our website or email us at Your charity has to be listed on Guidestar or Charity Navigator in order to qualify as a charity you can choose for our program.

    I Spy Game
    : Stanley and his friends are busy gardening in Cause Day Village. Gardening is known as a very good hobby to promote Mental Health. Can you find a frog?

    Social Studies Activity

    Complete this Social Studies Activity
  • Read the Cause Day Round-table Question on the Day 14. The question is: Can the organizations that support this cause solve the problem on their own or do others need to be involved? For example, others could include pharmaceutical companies, researchers, FDA etc. If so, find out who needs to be involved in what way. Make sure to list your sources!
  • PE activity

    Complete the PE activity
    This lesson is all about attitude and smiles.
  • Activity: Dance to music with someone else in your house or even all by yourself in front of a mirror. Try to make them laugh about your silly dance moves. They can make funny faces and swing their arms, or hop and jump, you can dance together— whatever works! Everyone takes a turn trying to make each other laugh. Your attitude is important, because mental health is about being positive and your brain knows when you are smiling and are happy.
  • Awareness: People who smile are usually really fun to be around. Being silly and laughing is good for your mental health. Have you ever rolled on the floor because you were laughing so hard? People who smile and laugh often are also less likely to develop heart problems. Smiling even temporarily reduces blood pressure. Think of it this way: every time you smile, you are throwing a little feel-good party for your brain. The act of smiling benefits your health and happiness!

  • Art Activity

    Complete this Art Activity
  • Create a piece of art with any medium (that means you can use crayon, paint, pencil, newspaper, cereal or whatever you like) It can be a three-dimensional piece or you can just use paper. You can use anything you find around the house as well. The only rule is that you create it. Think before you start, because it could be about what mental health means to you. But it could also be about the color Green! You can interpret it as you like. It can be simple or it can be much more complex! Be creative!
  • English Activity

    Complete the English Activity
  • Write a poem or short story about the color Green and what it represent for you. Or if you like, you can write a poem or a short story about what Mental Health means to you or someone you know. As always, we would love to hear your stories and poems. our email is
  • Math Activity

    Complete the Math Activity
  • Spell out the words "Mental health". First grade: how many letters are in the two words? Now figure out what is the number of each letter in our alphabet (1-26...). Write those numbers down and add them all up. What is the total number? Middle school: If you had each letter on a dice and rolled all the dice at the same time, what would be the chance to get the letter M? How about the letter E? And what is the chance to get a "t" OR a "h" ?
  • Library Activity

    Complete the Library Activity
  • Please find any book in your house that has a theme related to mental health....if you know what mental health means, you will know what to look for. List the title and tell us what the book is all about. If you can, read it with you family.